What wonderful expressions of faith! Those that have left the WTS with their faith intact is a joy to behold. I have been on these boards for years but rarely post anymore. You do start to feel that people are ignoring you or are simply not interested in what you have to say. But then I'll read a testimony and it strikes a dim fire down deep in my spirit.
Although the WTO's first order of the day is to destroy the power or influence of any other religion or religious sect by subtly and insidiously placing themselves in that position, their most important objective is to cast doubt on an individual's intuitive ability to 'hear' in a spiritual sense without the control or direction of any human leadership. IMNSHO, their sole purpose for existence is to keep people from the only source of salvation. Because meeting the source, ie Jesus the Christ, is the catalyst for living and/or dying for Him. When He actually reveals Himself to an individual, there is nothing else. His unimaginable love is magnetic, His compassion beyond comprehension, His realness defined and imprinted, His gentleness and acceptance overwhelmingly humbling.
For most of the exJW's that I've encountered, the WTO has accomplished their mission, and that is the tragedy of tragedies. In their efforts to rid themselves of any influence from this God-defaming, pseudo-religious sect, they have replaced this idol with yet another one, their own logic and reasoning. Not ever realizing that communion with God is purely spiritual and will never be understood or defined by man's intellect.